All members of the National Society of the Sons of the American Revolution are entitled to purchase and wear the member badge/medal. All Compatriots are encouraged to purchase and wear the SAR Badge. A Compatriot should only wear the SAR Badge at functions of the SAR or when representing the SAR. It may also be worn during the funeral of an SAR member or the dedication of a grave marker for a deceased SAR member. When wearing multiple medals, the member badge is always the first medal to the wearer's right and over the wearer's heart.
The War Service Medal was first authorized in 1899 for members who served in the
Spanish-American War. It was subsequently authorized for members who served in World
War I and World War II. Following World War II, the NSSAR authorized a generic War
Service Medal with specific service periods indicated by bronze bars.
Awarded by NSSAR, Texas SAR, or Chapter
Names listed below belong to the SAR Veterans Corps and are entitled to wear
the War Service Medal.
The Military Service Medal, authorized in 2006, may be presented to a Compatriot in
recognition of military service which does not otherwise qualify for the War Service Medal.
Awarded by NSSAR, Texas SAR, or Chapter
Names listed below belong to the SAR Veterans Corps and are entitled to wear
the War Service Medal.
The Liberty Medal commemorates the restoration of the Statue of Liberty, reminds us
of our liberty and is presented for recruiting new members to the SAR. Any SAR member
who signed as first-line sponsor on the membership application of ten new members can
earn the medal.
Awarded by NSSAR
The Silver Color Guard Medal is for service at the District and National levels. The medal is
awarded for at least three years of service at the applicable level. The three years may be
broken, not continuous. Award of each medal may be for retroactive service, so that any living
compatriot may receive it, even if he cannot march anymore. An SAR Color Guardsman must have the
Bronze Color Guard Medal before he can be awarded the Silver Color Guard Medal.
Awarded by NSSAR
The National Society presents the Lafayette Volunteer Service Award to an individual
for volunteer service performed at the NSSAR Headquarters in Louisville, KY or other
significant volunteer work as determined by the President General. The award is presented
when forty (40) hours of volunteer service have been accumulated. The Executive Director
will provide a list of projects requiring volunteer assistance. Volunteers must meet
acceptable experience criteria and will be supervised by a department head. Department
heads and volunteers must ensure that the volunteer service form is completed at the end
of each day that service is performed. The Executive Director will be responsible for
maintaining a volunteer service file.
Awarded by NSSAR
The Patriot Grave Marking Medal recognizes both past efforts to identify and report data on
Revolutionary War graves and to encourage new efforts to identify graves. The data generated
by these efforts will meet educational objectives by continuing to build and improve the
existing database on these patriots by listing their final resting places. It meets
historical objectives by providing data to potential members and by identify these significant
places so that they may not be lost to future generations.
Awarded by NSSAR
The Patriot Medal is the highest award presented to a Compatriot by a State Society
and recognizes long, faithful, outstanding, and distinguished service at the state and/or
chapter level. The Patriot Medal is awarded only by a State Society and may be presented
only to an individual. Service at the national level is not considered in making the award.
It is desirable that it be presented at the annual meeting of the State Society.
Awarded by Texas SAR
The incumbent State President may present one medal during his term (or each year of his term if
elected to a multiyear term) at the Society's Annual Meeting, to a Compatriot in recognition for that
Compatriot's conspicuous service to the State Society President during his administration. The SMDS
is awarded by a State Socity President at his discretion; no other approval is required.
Awarded by Texas SAR
The State Meritorious Service Medal may be awarded to SAR
members who have rendered long, faithful and meritorious service to their State
Society. The meritorous service rendered should be
stated in the citation.
Awarded by Texas SAR
The Silver Roger Sherman Medal may be awarded to a compatriot in recognition of, and in
appreciation of, outstanding services rendered to a District or State. The medal is presented
to a compatriot for significant service which lacks the requirements for the Meritorious
Service Medal. It should be awarded in place of the Bronze and Silver Good Citizenship Medals,
which cannot be awarded for service to the SAR. The recipient must have served as an active
officer for a minimum of two years, as an active committee chairman for three years, or an
active member of a committee for four years.
Awarded by Texas SAR
The Service to Veterans Medal may be awarded to SAR members who have given long and exemplary
service to veterans. The medal is awarded for 5000 USS Stark Award points accrued by the SAR
member. Additional awards may be earned for each additional 3000 points earned.
Awarded by Texas SAR
The Bronze Color Guard Medal is for service at the State and/or Chapter levels. Each medal is
awarded for at least three years of service at the applicable level. The three years may be
broken, not continuous. Award of each medal may be for retroactive service, so that any living
compatriot may receive it, even if he cannot march anymore.
Awarded by Texas SAR
The medal is designed to encourage and recognize those compatriots, chapters, and societies to
participate in local, state, national and international events which publicly educate, and
recognize, honor, and celebrate the heroes of the American Revolution. Participation involves
the planning and execution of these events, as well as attendance. The medal covers the
celebration of any event's 250th anniversary where said event related directly to acts of
resistance to British attempts to coerce the residents in America: from the first Parliamentary
Acts protested after the conclusion of the French and Indian Wars, through the armed
struggle of the American War for Independence, to the ratification of the Treaty of Paris by
the Continental Congress. This therefore will cover any public celebrations in the Period from
2014 to 2033.
Awarded by Texas SAR
The incumbent Chapter President may present one medal during his term (or each year of his term if
elected to a multiyear term) at the Chapter's Annual Meeting, to a Compatriot in recognition for that
Compatriot's conspicuous service to the Chapter during the president's administration. The Chapter
President presents this Medal at his discretion; no other approval is required. The CMDS is the
highest medal that can be awarded by a Chapter President.
Awarded by Chapter
The Chapter Meritorious Service Medal may be awarded to SAR
members who have rendered long, faithful and meritorious service to their Chaper.
The meritorous service rendered should be
stated in the citation.
Awarded by Chapter
The Bronze Roger Sherman Medal may be awarded to a compatriot in recognition of, and in
appreciation of, outstanding services rendered to a Chapter. The medal is presented to a
compatriot for significant service which lacks the requirements for the Meritorious Service
Medal. It should be awarded in place of the Bronze and Silver Good Citizenship Medals,
which cannot be awarded for service to the SAR. The recipient must have served as an
active officer for a minimum of two years, as an active committee chairman for three
years, or as an active member of a committee for four years.
Awarded by Chapter
The Bronze Good Citizenship Medal is a multi-purpose award designed to recognize
individuals whose community (i.e., school, locality or state) achievements
are noteworthy. It can be presented to both adults and minors and to Compatriots
(subject to below limitation) and non-Compatriots alike.
A Compatriot may be awarded the Bronze Good Citizenship Medal if either (1) he has
served, subject to the restriction described immediately below, in at least four of
the leadership capacities covered under the Silver Good Citizenship Medal, or
(2) he qualifies by some other outstanding achievement in his community.
SAR Service Restriction: The Bronze Good Citizenship Medal is not used to
recognize service to the SAR. SAR service is only recognized by the Minuteman Award,
the National Medal of Distinguished Service, the State Medal of Distinguished Service,
Patriot Medal, the Chapter Medal of Distinguished Service, Meritorious Service Medal,
the Roger Sherman Medal, and any nationally approved District or State Society service medal.
Awarded by Chapter
The medal is designed to encourage and recognize those compatriots, chapters, and societies to
participate in local, state, national and international events which publicly educate, and
recognize, honor, and celebrate the heroes of the American Revolution. Participation involves
the planning and execution of these events, as well as attendance. The medal covers the
celebration of any event's 250th anniversary where said event related directly to acts of
resistance to British attempts to coerce the residents in America: from the first Parliamentary
Acts protested after the conclusion of the French and Indian Wars, through the armed
struggle of the American War for Independence, to the ratification of the Treaty of Paris by
the Continental Congress. This therefore will cover any public celebrations in the Period from
2014 to 2033.
Awarded by Chapter
The SAR 125th Anniversary Medal commemorates the one hundredth and twenty-fifth anniversary of the National Society of the Sons of the American Revolution. Only a member who was a dues-paying member between January 1, 2014 and December 31, 2014 may wear it. In addition, new members whose application had been submitted during that time may also wear it.
This beautiful and highly detailed Medal commemorates the Boston Tea Party. This Medal can be worn by anyone not just NSSAR Members. The Back features the new SAR logo. Members are able to purchase and wear this commemorative medal.
The Lydia Darragh Medal may be awarded by the incumbent President General, Vice President
General, State Society President or Chapter President to the lady who has provided
significant service to him during his term. The medal will recognize the assistance of
the ladies who work behind the scenes supporting SAR programs, but whose service does not
meet the requirments for the Martha Washington Medal. It may only be presented once
per year at the discretion of the President General, a Vice President General, State
Society President or Chapter President.
The SAR Medal of Appreciation may be presented to a member of the DAR in good standing in
recognition of and in appreciation for outstanding services rendered to the SAR. The award
may recognize assistance in forming new SAR chapters, obtaining a specific number of new
SAR members or otherwise significantly aiding the SAR program.
The Martha Washington Medal may be presented to a woman over 18 years of age in recognition of
outstanding service to the SAR. A DAR may receive the Martha Washington Medl and the SAR Medal
of Appreciation (on separate occasions) if her service warrants it.
A medal presented by the chapter president to members that have done outstanding work for the Chapter.
The Alexander Hamilton Medal honors the memory of the first Secretary of the
Treasury of the United States. It is awarded to individuals who give $1,000.00
to the Patriots Fund. Successive $1,000.00 contributions earn a bronze oak leaf
cluster, and five bronze oak leaf clusters can be exchanged for a silver oak leaf
cluster. Proceeds from the Patriots Fund are used to fund the various Youth and
Public Service programs of the Texas Society.
To commemorate the year 2020 as the 125th Anniversary of the establishment of the Texas Society
of the Sons of the American Revolution, members were able to purchase and wear this
commemorative medal.
The purpose of the Bernardo De Galvez Texas SAR Color Guard Medal (approved by
NSSAR at the 2009 National Congress) is to promote Color Guard Activity within the Texas
Society, to show recognition to the Texas Society Color Guard, to promote the service of our
Patriot Bernardo De Galvez, to promote the history of New Spain and Texas in the American
Revolution, and to offer recognition for Color Guardsmen who come to Texas to support a
National Color Guard Event. It, like the National SAR Medal, comes in Bronze, Silver, and Gold.
To recognize distinguished and prolonged service to the Texas Society and the Texas Society
Color Guard at National and State events.
Active membership in the Texas Society Color Guard for at least six (6) years is required. A
reasonable degree of activity is required over the service period. A Color Guardsman must participate
in State events and at least six National Society events in each of three years, which do not need to be
continuous. National events are those listed at the end of this handbook and each Color Guard event
at a National Congress (Memorial Service, CG Breakfast, Opening Ceremony, each Banquet, and any
other opportunities to serve in uniform at the Congress). A Texas SAR Color Guardsman must have
the Galvez Bronze Color Guard Medal and the Galvez Silver Color Guard before he can be awarded
the Gold Galvez Color Guard Medal
To recognize distinguished service to the Texas Society and the Texas Society Color Guard.
Active membership in the Texas Society Color Guard for at least three (3) years and a reasonable
degree of activity over the service period Attendance and participation in at least three State Society
level activities per year is mandatory and the Guardsman must have received the Bronze medal.
Service need not be continuous and a year shall be any period of twelve consecutive months.
To encourage participation in National and State Color Guard Event within the borders of the State of Texas.
Participation in three State or National Events within Texas, or participation one time in the George
Washington Parade, in Laredo, qualify as a requirement.
The George Washington Endowment Fund (GWEF) was created to establish a permanently restricted fund,
the income of which would provide annual funding for support of NSSAR unfunded and underfunded
committees and special projects.
The 1776 Society Campaign was launched in 2015 to help fund the SAR Education Center and Museum.
Donations to this campaign are designed to directly cover the cost of square footage in the
gallery space. For example, $1,776 will construct three square feet of the new museum while
$17,760 covers 30 square feet. Gifts made towards this project are cumulative and multi-year
pledges are accepted. There are levels of support from $25 to $17,760.
[26L] Lydia Darragh Medal
[28L] SAR Medal of Appreciation
[29L] Martha Washington Medal
Texas Society Medals
Texas Chapter Service Medal
Texas SAR Alexander Hamilton Medal
[62B] Texas Society 125th Anniversary
Bernardo de Galvez Color Guard Medal
[61A] Bernardo de Galvez Color Guard Medal (Gold)
[61B] Bernardo de Galvez Color Guard Medal (Silver)
[61C] Bernardo de Galvez Color Guard Medal (Bronze)
[00] George Washington Endowment Fund Fellow
George Washington Fellows have elected through their single gift or annual installment payment
plan to give a $1000.00 membership donation thereby leaving a patriotic legacy of a lifetime whose
perpetual gift never dies and continues to support the SAR in perpetuity.” All new George Washington
Fellows receive a beautiful gold lapel pin, a certificate acknowledging their status as a GW Fellow,
and their name is added to the list of all GW Fellows in the SAR Genealogical and Research Library.
[00] 1776 Society
Available levels include Delegate, Drafter, and Signer